Most of our documents can be electronically signed, and we encourage you to use this feature to save time and hassle. If you have questions about e-sign documents or need help using the e-sign application you will likely find an answer below.

What Devices Can I Use to E-sign?

The e-sign process is easiest when completed on a laptop or desktop, or any device with a full browser. You can e-sign documents from a mobile device or tablet, but you may be required to download a mobile app to complete the process. To avoid having to download an app we highly recommend that you use a device with a full browser instead of a mobile phone or tablet.

Is a Mobile App Required?

In most cases, no. However, the e-sign platform we utilize may try and force you to download the mobile app on certain devices. Most Android devices and tablets can e-sign in the mobile browser without an app being required.

If your device requires you to download a mobile app you may be able to work around the requirement by using the request desktop site option on your device. By doing so you will likely be able to proceed with the signing process as this will bypass the mobile restrictions. Learn how to do this for iPhone and Android.

What if I am Unable to E-Sign?

If you have tried the troubleshooting tips above and continue to have problems then you should download and print the static PDF version of the document. For most documents you will find the link to the PDF document in the email which requested your signature. Once you have completed the document you can return it to us by fax or email, using the contact information found on the document.