We make every effort to provide customers with an appropriate package recommendation based on their move details. However, not all customers will agree with our recommendation and, in many cases, they may ultimately schedule a smaller, less realistic, package.

We understand that it can be difficult to schedule your movers when the package does not appear to be a good fit. We've outlined our recommendations and expectations for handling these situations below.

We encourage you to contact the customer before the move date to confirm the details and the expected duration that they will need the movers.

Packages Are Not an Estimate of Completion Time

Even in situations where the customer agrees with the package we recommended it does not always correlate to an estimate of completion time. We expect that you will review the details of each move and allot time on your schedule appropriately.

Minimal Help

It is very common for the customer to schedule movers to help with a small part of their move. This is most common when they only want the movers for the heavier items, and they anticipate moving everything else on their own.

Additional Hours Are Not Required

You are not obligated to provide additional time, beyond the minimum hours, if your schedule does not allow it. This typically only occurs during peak season at the beginning and ends of the month. Although you are not obligated to additional time you should always try to accommodate the needs of the customer. If you are aware that you cannot accommodate additional time we ask that you communicate this during the availability process, as well as to the customer before the move date.

 Keeping you availability calendar up-to-date will help you receive only requests that you can accept.