You can manage multiple locations from a single vendor account. Additional locations are intended for moving companies that have multiple, but geographically separate, locations. The company can configure independent settings for each while managing them from a single account.

Additional Location Requirements

If your new location meets these requirements you can add a new location.

  1. The location must be at least 75 miles from your existing location
  2. Your movers must physically dispatch from the location
  3. The company name must be the exact same as your existing locations
  4. The user that currently manages the account will also be managing the new location
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Scenario A

Bob's Moving has one office in Washington D.C. Since Bob services the entire D.C. Metro area he adds locations in Alexandria, VA and Silver Spring, MD, both nearby cities and part of the D.C. Metro. Bob failed to realize that his office in D.C. would be included in results for all cities inside of his maximum distance setting. In Bob's case, the additional locations were unnecessary and would not be approved.

Scenario B

Dan's Moving has one office in Kansas City. Dan is willing to service Topeka, KS, which is 70 miles from his office. Dan decides to add a Topeka location to his account, even though his movers will dispatch from the Kansas City office. Because Dan's movers don't actually dispatch from Topeka the location would not be approved.

Instead of adding a location, Dan should have updated his maximum distance setting, which would allow his company to display in results for all cities inside of the maximum distance he set, including Topeka.

Scenario C

Rick and Morty's Friendly Movers has a location in Tampa, FL. Business has been good, and they've decided to open a new office in Savannah, GA. Both locations operate under the same company name and, to keep things simple, they'd like to manage both locations in the same account.

In this case, the company meets the requirements for an additional location.