The travel charge is a fee that our system
calculates to compensate you for your travel
to and from the customer's location. The
travel charge is the total sum of your
calculated travel fee and surcharge
This article provides you with a better
understanding of the two components of the
travel charge so you can configure your
settings correctly.
Travel Fee
The travel fee helps you cover everyday
expenses associated with driving to/from the
customer's location. You can configure this
setting based on per-mile or flat
rate methodology.
Ordinary parking
expenses should be factored into your travel
fee settings. For locations that regularly
incur extraordinary parking expenses, such as
in Manhattan or during special events, refer
to parking
obligations for additional
Setting a surcharge enables you to apply an
extra fee for specific zip codes. This
feature is handy if there are areas within
your service radius that require additional
costs for servicing, such as tolls and
ferries. We designed our surcharge
feature to help you target specific zip codes
without affecting those areas where your
travel fee settings cover the cost of