Surcharges are fees added to specific zip codes with higher operating costs, such as those that require tolls or can only be accessed by ferry. When applicable, we add the surcharge to your travel fee and display the combined amount as the travel charge on the work order.

When to use Surcharges

Your travel fee settings are usually enough to ensure fair compensation for traveling to and from the customer's location. However, you should consider adding a surcharge if your service area includes places where travel incurs abnormal drive time or fees. Here are some typical scenarios where surcharges might be necessary:

Toll roads and bridges

When your service area includes regions only accessible by toll roads or bridges, add a surcharge to those zip codes to cover the cost of tolls.


Movers that service Seattle and the Peninsula are all too familiar with ferries. In addition to the ferry's cost, a surcharge should also include compensation for the time the ferry takes between locations.


In certain neighborhoods, parking can be expensive. To account for this, add a surcharge for zip codes in those areas.

Working With Surcharges

  1. Log into your vendor account and go to Settings.
  2. Scroll down to the Surcharges section.
  3. If you already have surcharges, you can select the one you want to view or edit from the select list.
  4. If you want to add a new surcharge, click Add New Surcharge.

Add a Surcharge

  1. Click Add New Surcharge.
  2. Enter a descriptive surcharge name.
  3. Enter the fee amount.
  4. Enter one or more zip codes that the surcharge applies to. For multiple zip codes, separate the values with a comma.
  5. Click Save.
  6. The surcharge has been saved; a table is shown with the zip codes you added.

Edit a Surcharge

  1. Select the surcharge that you want to modify from the select list.
  2. Edit the fields with your changes.
  3. Click Save to update the surcharge.

Delete a Surcharge

Before deleting, consider making the surcharge inactive. You can later make the surcharge active again if needed.

  1. Select the surcharge that you want to delete from the select list.
  2. Click Delete.

Make a Surcharge Inactive

You can turn off a surcharge temporarily by making it inactive. While inactive, the surcharge will not be included in the travel charge.

  1. Select the surcharge that you want to make inactive from the select list.
  2. Check the make this surcharge inactive box.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Inactive surcharges are shown with red text in the surcharge select list.

Helpful Tips

Surcharges are a helpful tool when used correctly.

  • The purpose of a surcharge is to target a specific area, so make sure you only enter zip codes in that area.
  • Test your travel settings using the calculator in the travel fees section. Enter a zip code, and you will see the travel charge we calculate and the individual travel fee and surcharge amounts.
  • During the slow season, consider reducing the amount of your surcharge or making it temporarily inactive. This may help you remain competitive in the off-season.

Common Problems with Surcharges

A zip code is already linked to a surcharge.

You can add multiple surcharges, but each zip code can only be used once.

At least one zip code is required.

Surcharges are used to add a fee for specific zip codes. At least one zip code is required.

The surcharge name is invalid.

Surcharges have a specific use case; they are not intended to add special services or equipment fees. If you enter a surcharge name such as "heavy item fee," you will receive a message indicating that a surcharge is not the correct approach. Instead, you should navigate to your service rules, where you can establish your availability and fees for various services and equipment.