Availability Settings allow you to
control what days and times your company is
able to be booked by our customers. By taking
advantage of these settings you can greatly
improve your acceptance rate, as your company
can only be booked on dates that you are
Why Use Availability Settings
One of the most frustrating
experiences for MovingLabor.com customers is
submitting a request with a mover who is shown
as available in results, only to discover that
they are actually booked. Maintaining accurate
availability rules is the best way to make
sure you only receive requests that you can
accept, and it's one of the most important
keys to success on MovingLabor.com! That’s
because a high acceptance rate improves your
chances of getting more requests in the
Hours of Operation
& Arrival Windows
The hours of operation (HOO) settings will
allow you to set
specific availability per day of the week.
This will give you extra control over what
times your company is able to be
The arrival window (AW) settings will allow you
to set
your preferred arrival window duration
that you want to offer between FIRM start
times or 1-4 hour arrival windows.
The calendar gives you control over blocking date(s) and/or time(s) within your HOO that you are not available. You are also able to extend your HOO on specific days here, but keep in mind if you want to permanently extend your HOO, you'd do that by adjusting your HOO settings.